Enabling and Disabling Recovery Scenarios

You can enable or disable specific scenarios and determine when QuickTest activates the recovery scenario mechanism in the Recovery tab of the Application Area Settings dialog box. When you disable a specific scenario, it remains associated with the application area, but is not performed by QuickTest during the run session. You can enable the scenario at a later time.

You can also specify the conditions for which the recovery scenario is to be activated.

To enable/disable specific recovery scenarios:

  1. In the General pane of the application area, click the Additional Settings button. The Application Area Settings dialog box opens.
  2. Click the Recovery tab.
  3. In the Scenarios box, perform one of the following:
    • Select the check box to the left of one or more individual scenarios to enable them.
    • Clear the check box to the left of one or more individual scenarios to disable them.

To define when the recovery mechanism is activated:

  • Select one of the following options in the Activate recovery scenarios box:
    • On every step—The recovery mechanism is activated after every step.
    • On error—The recovery mechanism is activated only after steps that return an error return value.

Note that the step that returns an error is often not the same as the step that causes the exception event to occur.

For example, a step that selects a check box may cause a pop-up dialog box to open. Although the pop-up dialog box is defined as a trigger event, QuickTest moves to the next step because it successfully performed the check box selection step. The next several steps could potentially perform checkpoints, functions or other conditional or looping statements that do not require performing operations on your application. It may only be ten statements later that a step instructs QuickTest to perform an operation on the application that it cannot perform due to the pop-up dialog box. In this case, it is this tenth step that returns an error and triggers the recovery mechanism to close the dialog box. After the recovery operation is completed, the current step is this tenth step, and not the step that caused the trigger event.

    • Never—The recovery mechanism is disabled.

Note: Choosing On every step may result in slower performance during the run session.

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