Generating Random Strings in QTP

The following function generates random data using a format string that you can customize.

' VBScript source code

Randomize (timer)

' Declaration of all formats

' Note that a token contained within a second token (e.g. yy to yyyy) must be placed AFTER the containing token (yyyy must precede yy)

FormatArray = Array("#", "DAY", "MONTH", "dd", "mm", "yyyy", "yy", "NAME", "COLOR", "CAR")

' Definition of formats not appearing as a Case in GetRandStrForToken

Dim ValuesArray

ValuesArray = _


Array("DAY", "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"),_

Array("MONTH", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"),_

Array("COLOR", "Red", "Yellow", "Blue", "Green"),_

Array("NAME", "Hilik", "Oren", "Shoshi", "Ilan"),_

Array("CAR", "Ford", "Toyota", "Lexus", "Mazda")_


' Generate a random value for a specific token

Function GetRandStrForToken(sToken)

Select Case sToken

Case "#"' Single digit

GetRandStrForToken = CStr(Int(Rnd*10))

Case "dd"' May (numaric)

GetRandStrForToken = CStr (Int(Rnd*31 + 1))

Case "mm"' Month (numeric)

GetRandStrForToken = CStr (Int(Rnd*12 + 1))

Case "yy"' Two digit Year

GetRandStrForToken = CStr(Int(Rnd*10)) + CStr(Int(Rnd*10))

Case "yyyy"' Four digit Year

GetRandStrForToken = CStr (1950 + Int(Rnd * 100))

Case Else ' Pick from the Values Array for other formats


For i = 0 to UBound(ValuesArray)

If sToken = ValuesArray(i)(0) Then

GetRandStrForToken = ValuesArray(i)( 1 + Int( rnd*(UBound(ValuesArray(i))) ) )

Exit For

End If


End Select

End Function

' Parse the current token (if any)

Function GetNextToken (ByRef sFormat)

For each sToken in FormatArray

sTemp = Mid(sFormat, 1, Len(sToken))

If sTemp = sToken Then

GetNextToken = sToken

sFormat = Mid(sFormat, Len(sToken) + 1)

Exit Function

End If


End Function

' Generate random data given a format

Function GenerateRandData(ByVal Format)

Dim nPos

Dim nLength

nLength = Len(Format)

While nLength > 0

' Anything inside a [] brackets is copied as is

If Mid(Format, 1, 1) = "[" Then ' Find the closing brackets

nPos = InStr(1, Format, "]", vbTextCompare)

If nPos = 0 Then Exit Function

GenerateRandData = GenerateRandData + Mid(Format, 2, nPos - 2)

Format = Mid(Format, nPos + 1)

nLength = Len(Format)


' Search for a valid token

sToken = GetNextToken(Format)

If Not sToken = "" Then

GenerateRandData = GenerateRandData + GetRandStrForToken(sToken)

nLength = Len(Format)

Else ' No token - just copy the current character

GenerateRandData = GenerateRandData + Mid(Format,1, 1)

If nLength = 1 Then

Exit Function

End If

Format = Mid(Format, 2)

nLength = Len(Format)

End If

End If


End Function

' Usage

msgbox GenerateRandData ("Today Is the first DAY in MONTH")

msgbox GenerateRandData ("A Date in the format [dd/mm/yyyy] dd/mm/yyyy")
msgbox GenerateRandData ("My name is NAME, I drive a COLOR CAR. you can reach me on +972-54-###-####")

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