Useful Web Table Functions

Following are functions that may be useful when working on Web Tables.

' ******************************** Function Library *********************************

' Registering both functions

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ObjectsByMicClass", "ObjectsByMicClass"

RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ItemByKeyColumn", "ItemByKeyColumn"

' Function: ObjectsByMicClass

' Description: Returns a collection of objects. All the objects in a

' WebTable that have the specified MicClass

' Return Value: A collection of objects

' Arguments:

' Obj - Test Object (WebTable)

' micClass - The micClass of the objects to retrieve


Function ObjectsByMicClass(Obj, micClass)

Set Table = Obj

' Create a collection object to hold the items

Set objCollection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

' Go over all the cells in the table, and look for objects with the specified micClass

For row=1 to Table.RowCount


For col=1 to ColumnCount

For ItemIndex=0 to Table.ChildItemCount(row, col, micClass)-1

Set childItem=Nothing

Set childItem = Table.ChildItem(row, col, micClass, ItemIndex)

If Not childItem is Nothing Then

' If the cell contains a micClass object, add it to the collection

ItemKey = objCollection.Count + 1

objCollection.Add ItemKey, childItem

End if




Set ObjectsbyMicClass = objCollection

End Function

' Function: ItemByKeyColumn

' Description: Returns an item from a column, based on the value of a

' key column

' Return Value: Object

' Arguments:

' Obj - Test Object (WebTable)

' KeyColumnIndex - Index of the KeyColumn

' KeyColumnValue - Value to search for in the key column

' KeyItemIndex - Index of the value in the key column (if there is

' more than one). If 0, the first item will be used.

' TargetColumnIndex - Column from which to retrieve the target item

' micClass - The micClass of the target item

' TargetItemIndex - Index of the target item to retrieve (if there is

' more than one). If 0, the first item will be used.

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function ItemByKeyColumn(Obj, KeyColumnIndex, KeyColumnValue, KeyItemIndex, TargetColumnIndex, micClass, TargetItemIndex)

Table = Obj

rowCount = Table.RowCount

' If TargetItemIndex was not specified, use 1 as default

If TargetItemIndex < 1 Then

TargetItemIndex = 1

End If

' If KeyColumnIndex was not specified, use 1 as default

If KeyItemIndex < 1 Then

KeyItemIndex = 1

End If

' Look for KeyColumnValue in the key column to determine from which

' row to retrieve the target item

Row = 0

foundIndex = 0

While Row <= RowCount And foundIndex < KeyItemIndex

Row = Row + 1

CellData = Table.GetCellData(Row, KeyColumnIndex)

If CellData = KeyColumnValue Then

foundIndex = foundIndex + 1

End If


If foundIndex < KeyItemIndex Then

Exit Function

End If

' Now that we know the row, retrieve the item (according to its micClass)

' from the target column.

ChildItemsCount = Table.ChildItemCount(Row, TargetColumnIndex, micClass)

If ChildItemsCount > =1 And ChildItemsCount >= TargetItemIndex Then

Set GetItemByKeyColumn = Table.ChildItem(Row, TargetColumnIndex, micClass, TargetItemIndex-1)

End If

End Function

' ******************* Examples that use these functions ******************************

' Using the ItemByKeyColumn function

Set obj = Browser("Table with objects").Page("Itenerary: Mercury Tours").WebTable("Acapulco to Zurich").ItemByKeyColumn(1,"FLIGHT",2,3,"WebElement",1)

msgbox obj.GetROProperty("innerhtml")

' Using the ObjectsByMicClass function

Set collection = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebTable("Table").ObjectsByMicClass("WebCheckBox")

For i=1 to collection.count

If collection(i).GetROProperty("checked") Then

collection(i).Set "OFF"


collection(i).Set "ON"

End If



Bhagawati Manukonda said...

Thanks this was very useful for me.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Really helpfull for all concept of webtable in mine project..great Work

Unknown said...

Thanks Really great work on Web Table..